NiCaDe IPC and the Global Fund collaborate to scale-up investments in IPC programmes in Nigeria

With the aim to “Leverage Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic to Scale-Up Investments in Infection Prevention and Control Programmes at all Levels in Nigeria” NCDC’s IPC unit received a grant from the Global Fund COVID 19 Response Mechanism.

Specific objectives of this project are to:

  1. Strengthen IPC programmes at all levels of the Nigerian health system
  2. Improve knowledge and skills for IPC leadership at all levels of the health system 
  3. Strengthen ability to develop and implement technical documents and resources to guide IPC adherence at the facility level
  4. Strengthen the national IPC monitoring and evaluation system

The PALS training approach specifically addresses the challenge of closing the policy-practice gap in low resource settings, by focusing on process skills that enable IPC focal persons and health care workers in health facilities, as well as their management  to participatorily design, implement, and monitor IPC improvement.

The NiCaDe IPC project team will support the implementation of this project by providing expertise and resources to conduct PALS trainings for IPC focal persons. With the contributions of PALS practitioners (that have participated in PALS trainings previously), we aim to train 18 prospective Trainers and 48 Change Agents, across three geopolitical zones in PALS.

The IPC unit of the NCDC coordinated the contributions of both projects early in the planning phase to ensure that PALS becomes an integral part of the implementation of IPC programmes nationally. The implementation takes place in 2024–2025.

Picture title: Colleagues from NCDC, RKI, Global Fund and the US CDC-Nigeria during a virtual planning meeting in November 2023.

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